Ayahuma Honey .5 oz bottle


Get your Ayahuma Honey .5 oz bottle!


Ayahuma Honey is used to help us recover from emotional shocks and release past traumas due to the grounding strength it offers. Gentle yet powerful, a compassionate teacher, ayahuma is warm and revitalizing, helping us to gently open our hearts for compassion with ourselves and others. Ayahuma allows us to see the world more shamanically, acting as a true Master Plant, it opens our eyes to the web of existence that we are embedded in.
Ayahuma, or Couroupita guianensis, carries a powerful, more potent energy when compared to smaller plant medicines. However, there is nothing to fear, this spirit is a gentle and compassionate teacher, capable of providing great protective energetic power. Many shaman healers of different tribes agree that one of the main purposes of undergoing a dieta with this potent tree is for the protective qualities it offers for future ceremonies.
Ayahuma is regarded by the curanderos as an immensely grounding master plant that can help with resilience and wisdom through deep grounding and the release of past trauma and stored emotion. The common name of this tree is composed of the Quechua words AYA – ‘dead’, and HUMA – ‘head’ , which refers to the shape of the fruits.
This syrup is made by infusing acacia honey from Colorado with botanicals prepared in ceremony down in Peru. We then make the product shelf stable using sugarcane alcohol to ensure a gluten-free experience. We use acacia honey for its extremely low glycemic index, ensuring our product will not be harmful for diabetics.
**This product contains no psychoactive ingredients and may be shipped across state lines or internationally.
Recommended usage: Shake well before use!! Each ml of syrup contains 300mg of Ayahuma. You may put the syrup under or on your tongue or add it to a mug of your favorite tea. When starting to use this product, we recommend a full dropper for two days in a row. Traditional dieta starts with consumption in the evening, after the first two days you may choose to switch to using it in the morning.
Please note, this product does not claim to treat any disease or condition. Please consult your physician prior to taking this or any other supplement!