Ajo Sacha Honey .5 oz bottle
Get your Ajo Sacha Honey .5 oz bottle!
$25.00Ajo Sacha awakens any dormant or latent psychic abilities, opening the vortex, connecting and enhancing our intuition. By activating our sexual energy, kundalini and vital functions we develop a deeper connection with ourselves, without fear, without limits. This teacher plant strengthens and revitalizes our life force and helps us to develop the resilience to overcome our challenges. It summons the energy of the warrior (Sinchi Medicina), teaching us to walk our path with righteousness, love and truth. A diet with ajo sacha is known to banish negative energies and destroy a run of “saladera”, or bad luck. Ajo Sacha burns everything that does not belong to us, helping to eliminate “panema”, the heavy negative energies that weigh us down and make it difficult for us to move forward in life. Also known as “the opener of the way”, Ajo Sacha initiates us, through a deep encounter with ourselves, into the understanding of our life path or dharma.
This honey is made by infusing acacia honey from Colorado with ajo sacha prepared in ceremony down in Peru. We then make the product shelf stable using sugarcane alcohol to ensure a gluten-free experience. We use acacia honey due to the extremely low glycemic index, ensuring that using our product will not be harmful for diabetics
**This product contains no psychoactive ingredients and may be shipped across state lines or internationally.
Recommended usage: Each ml of tincture contains 300 milligrams of Ajo Sacha. You may put the tincture on or under your tongue or add it to a mug of your favorite tea. When starting to use this product, we recommend a full dropper for 2 days in a row. After that trust your intuition, taking a few drops whenever the plant calls to you. Let that awareness carry you as you rise and fall throughout your day, giving you a gentle reminder of all the power you possess.
Please note, this product does not claim to treat any disease or condition. Please consult your physician prior to taking this or any other supplement!